2023 Fall Check-In

Q&A Webinar with the Yello Team

Many employers are navigating challenges with budget cuts, events, and reduced hiring this fall, forcing them to make adjustments to their campus strategy as the season goes on. Has this happened to you?

Our team compiled a list of 11 common questions and challenges that we’ve heard from employers over the last several weeks. Yello’s Erin Craskey, Strategic Success Director, and Katie Klietz, Senior Customer Success Manager, sat down to answer these questions and give insights on how you can use Yello to address these challenges and finish the recruiting season strong.

Here’s a few of the questions they answered:

  • “We don’t have a lot of open positions right now. What can we do to build pipeline for the future?”
  • “We’re seeing a higher volume of candidates at in person events this fall. How can we meet with candidates more quickly to avoid long wait times at our booth?”
  • “What should we take into consideration when deciding between virtual and in-person hiring events?”
  • “Candidates are showing up to events and interviews unprepared. How can we train our team to address this?”