How Recruiting from MSIs in Addition to HBCUs Will Boost Your Diversity Strategy

If you’ve developed a diversity-oriented campus recruiting strategy, you’re probably familiar with Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). HBCUs serve an integral role in education and the Black community – but did you know that they’re only one type of Minority Serving Institution (MSI)?

Recruiting from MSIs

While there are 107 HBCUs in the US, there are over 750 total MSIs educating diverse populations. In fact, you can find an MSI in every U.S. state and territory. MSI types include:

  • AANAPISIs – Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institutions
  • HSIs – Hispanic-Serving Institutions
  • TCUs – Tribal Colleges and Universities

What makes MSIs unique?

MSIs are overflowing with untapped, diverse talent. For instance, HSIs represent a mere 4% of higher education institutions, but enroll 50% of Latino students. The same disproportionately high rate of enrolled minority students is true for every type of MSI, regardless of the community they’re serving. The Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) student population alone represents over 48 ethnicities, yet, despite being one of the fastest-growing minority groups in the country, AAPI candidates are often underrepresented in larger discussions regarding racial and ethnic minorities. Overall, MSIs serve 40% of all undergraduate students of color. They also educate a high number of students who are the first in their families to attend college.

MSIs pride themselves in their strong and inclusive campus culture – they promote racial, ethnic, socio-economic, and religious diversity, encouraging students to embrace the unique attributes their peers bring to the table. Native students who attended TCUs reported significantly higher perceptions of cultural reciprocity and cultural resiliency. These creative, social, and dynamic graduates make ideal candidates for any organization searching for qualified, diverse talent. 

Access 95% of MSIs through WayUp

Among the 7,100 campuses and universities in the WayUp marketplace, 95% of MSIs are represented – that breaks down to over 260,000 MSI-related candidates. Using WayUp, it’s easy to connect with candidates from MSIs and directly share job opportunities with them. In just a few clicks, your team can access an abundance of underrepresented talent at schools nationwide. 

In the past, MSI graduates have been overlooked due to a lack of familiarity – recruiters and hiring managers underestimated the value of a degree from a school or university that they hadn’t heard of before. Now, it’s time to flip the script to become even more aware of leading MSIs and the incredible potential their graduates have for improving organizational diversity.

Reaching your diversity goals starts here – take the first step towards connecting with qualified MSI graduates.

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