Use Case: Yello Event Management

Recruiting events, both in-person and virtual, play a crucial role in a successful campus recruiting program. Large-scale early talent recruiting events are particularly tricky for recruiters. With candidates at the very beginning of their career journey, most don’t fully understand how to navigate the hiring process, with many of them relying on recruiters to guide them along the way.

Automating workflows and processes with technology is one of the easiest ways to give recruiters the time needed to fully engage and guide candidates through each touchpoint of the hiring process. 

Events are one of the most important steps in an employer’s long term early talent recruiting strategy. Campus recruiting teams lean heavily on these in-person events as their primary avenue to meet sourcing goals. Employers have to engage with students early in the hiring process and begin filling their talent pipeline 3-4 years in advance. This means employers spend the years leading up to these events building their brand so that they’re top of mind when it’s time for candidates to look for their first role. 

What makes an event successful depends entirely on your hiring goals. Some of the common goals we see our customers set include engaging with a high volume of candidates, sourcing top talent to fill specific roles, and building their employer brand. While all of these goals are important, they can be difficult to track, especially if you don’t have the proper technology in place. Events also require a significant investment of resources to be successful, and a lot of companies don’t have an accurate way to determine their return on investment. 

Some of the other challenges events present include: 

  • Difficulty gauging event success and lacking the data to solidify opinions
  • Lack of technology results in more manual work for recruiters (think paper resume collection and manual data entry) 
  • Difficulty tracking candidates throughout the hiring pipeline 
  • Poor recruiter and candidate experiences from slow hiring processes and poor communication 
  • Complicated tech stacks that use multiple different tools to track events

How Yello Can Help 

Yello is the only solution built with the needs of campus recruiting teams in mind and has all the tools you need to plan, manage, and evaluate recruiting events. Yello makes it possible to achieve your recruiting goals by automating tasks and eliminating tedious manual work for your recruiters. Event Management helps you improve the candidate and recruiter experience, with the added bonus of trends and metrics to gauge event ROI. 

How It Works 

Event Management is the only all-in-one solution that has you covered from pre-event planning through post-event follow-up for both in-person and virtual events. With the Event Management tool, you can create branded candidate touchpoints for pre-registration, interview scheduling, and candidate follow-ups. 

Not only does this help build your brand and facilitate engagement with candidates, inviting candidates to pre-register for an event gives you the advantage of collecting their data before an event occurs. This helps you identify top talent prior to an event while reducing your time to hire, giving you a leg up on the competition. 

In addition to these benefits, Event Management gives you the data and trends needed to determine event ROI based on your company’s unique sourcing goals. 

  • Event Management gives your team the tools they need to: 
  • Engage with a higher volume of candidates 
  • Measure efficiency and event ROI 
  • Send branded candidate communications 
  • Facilitate pre registration and post event follow-ups 
  • Centralize candidate data and feedback 
  • Improve your employer brand and candidate experience

We asked our customers to share how the Event Management tool improves their recruiting process. Take a look at the user stories below to see how your peers use this tool throughout different industries. 

Energy and Chemicals 

A global energy, chemicals, and resources provider uses the Event Management tool to gauge event ROI and save time collecting candidate data. This company believes the use of technology in the hiring process improves candidates’ perception of their brand and improves the candidate experience. Prior to using Event Management, they would collect paper resumes and set them aside for future use, resulting in resumes being forgotten and never reviewed by staff. 

Their recruiters would spend hours after each event working on candidate data entry into a spreadsheet. Through the Event Management tool, they now collect 72% of candidate resumes digitally, drastically reducing the amount of time invested in data entry and reducing input errors. Their recruiters can quickly locate and review candidate information, enabling them to more efficiently move talent through the hiring process. 

They’ve seen other value from the tool as well. During a recent on-campus event, this company had 42 candidates pre-register through Yello while only 28 students came to their booth in-person. Without Event Management, they would’ve missed out on more than half of the candidates they engaged with. 

Lastly, this company uses Event Management to measure event ROI and justify future event investment to company leadership. This helps them make data-driven decisions on what events are most beneficial to attend for their specific goals. 

Engineering and Manufacturing 

A biomedical engineering and manufacturing firm has used the Event Management tool for years to organize and track on-campus events. This company attends several on campus and

diversity-focused events per year and uses the Event Management tool to drive applicant volume for specific roles and improve their employer brand. 

As a long time Event Management user, this company understands the importance of measuring each event’s ROI. Knowing an event’s ROI helps them make data-driven decisions on what events will be the most successful for their organization in the future. They’ve curated a list of core schools that they’ll always attend and use the provided event metrics to influence what additional events they’ll attend in the future. 

They believe the Event Management tool greatly improves their recruiter experience by helping them stay organized and reduce time to hire through process enhancements. Instead of having a complex tech stack for events, they use Yello to integrate directly into their applicant tracking system (ATS), enabling their recruiters to track candidates, evaluations, and application volume through the entire talent pipeline in one place. Having candidate data in a single system saves their recruiters time, allowing them to better manage events and focus on finding and engaging with top talent. 

In addition to leveraging the Event Management tool, this organization recently purchased Campus Diversity Insights to gain an understanding of what additional schools they should consider attending for some of their roles that are especially challenging to fill. 

Want to learn more about how Yello can help your team successfully manage events? Get in touch here and let’s get started.

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