#AskARecruiter: What’s the Best Thank You Note You’ve Ever Received?

It’s the season of catching up with loved ones, overloading on turkey and catching a football game or two. And most of all, it’s the time of year to reflect on the people, places and things we’re most grateful for.

Fortunately for recruiters, giving thanks isn’t just a once-a-year tradition. Job seekers show their gratitude for hiring teams every day, in conventional (and sometimes not-so-conventional) ways. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we asked a few recruiters about the best thank you notes they’ve ever received from a candidate. 

Here’s what they had to say:

“[A candidate] was crying because she was so happy she got the job…”

Chris, Technology Solutions Analyst, Global RPO

“I’ve received a hammock, I’ve received a pair of flip flops…the most gratifying thing is getting a note saying [a candidate] enjoyed the conversation.” 

Tammy, Director of Talent Acquisition, Stadium Operations Corporation

“The best reaction I ever received was when I called to extend an offer and [the candidate] started crying on the phone.”

Brian, University Talent Acquisition Leader, Public Accounting Firm

“A candidate hand-wrote a thank you note and dropped it in the mail as she left her interview. We’d already decided we were going to hire her, but the personal touch sealed the deal.”

Tyler, Hiring Manager, Professional Services Corporation

What’s the best thank you note you’ve ever received? Should recruiters expect a thank you note from candidates before they extend an offer? Post your thoughts on social media and tag @Yello. We’ll reshare our favorites!

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