6 Ways to Maximize Your Campus Recruiting Efforts

A key segment of your talent pipeline is current college students. This group may have several more years of undergrad ahead of them, but getting your brand in front of them early can give you a strategic edge on your competition. Employ these six tactics to maximize your campus recruiting efforts to keep your company top of mind when current college students begin searching for a full-time career.

1. Update your intern program

Consider your internship program an investment in your company’s next generation of talent. When initially hiring, conduct a rigorous interview process to groom interns for potential full-time, post-graduation positions. Throughout the internship, hold them accountable. Work with your company’s hiring managers to ensure interns are tasked with real projects that will generate results. When each intern begins, work with him or her to set specific goals, and create a tactical accomplishment plan. Avoid simply handing off interns to their hiring managers at the start of their internship. Schedule regular check-ins during the internship duration, and provide the guidance they need to succeed in both their current role and future endeavors. Lastly, make exit interviews a standard part of the program. Just as you conduct exit interviews with full-time employees, gather feedback on every intern’s experience with your company and their interest in returning in a full-time capacity.

2. Keep an ongoing dialogue

Engage with students in your pipeline regularly (at least once per quarter) to stay top of mind. Establish email communication that may include studying tips, industry updates, interview etiquette advice and even a good luck note during exam time.

3. Seal the deal earlier

Consider extending offers to top performing students during their sophomore and junior years. If you find a candidate you really believe in, consider making an offer early. It gives the candidate a light at the end of the tunnel and allows them to cater their education to the position, while giving you the best talent.

4. Use campus recruiting software

Establish your reputation at campus career fairs by using the latest in recruiting technology to stand out to students. Use campus recruiting software to create, track and manage a candidate pipeline to support current open roles and for future planning. Leverage campus recruiting software to capture everything you need to know about a particular campus and create a central event repository. This insight will help you understand trends and improve campus-based recruiting ROI.

5. Engage directly on social media

Just as consumer brands interact with customers directly on social media, engage directly with top student prospects. Wish them good luck prior to exams or tag them when sharing industry thought leadership pieces, to stay relevant to them.

6. Create content that features recent grads

Feature your recent graduate employees in recruitment content that speaks directly to current students. Create social media images, blog posts and videos to share your new hires’ quotes and insight on studying tips, job searching advice or career experience with your company.

To learn more about using social media to recruit, read Top 6 Ways to Engage with Candidates on Social Media.

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