5 Ways for Recruiters to Recharge Before the Fall Recruiting Season

The fall event season in the recruiting industry can be a grind. You’re often up early in the morning and working until late at night — sometimes even weekends — to travel, set up, take down and accommodate candidates’ busy schedules. In preparation for the fast approaching fall recruiting season, dedicate some of your summer to recharge for a successful rest of the year. Here are five ways to recharge during the summer months, to experience your best recruiting season yet.

  1. Attend an industry conference. It’s easy to fall into the trap of doing your job the same way repeatedly, without stopping to learn new best practices, industry trends or tips. Attending an industry conference might be just what you need to learn one new thing or to re-ignite your enthusiasm for the industry. This can provide you the opportunity to learn from industry leaders, who can offer creative ways to build your candidate pipeline, or provide an outlet to meet someone who’s worked on a similar search before.
  2. Take an online class. Set aside a few hours a week to take online courses. Use a site such as Lynda.com, or another industry source, to brush up business skills that could help you improve your interaction with candidates or prepare you for your next promotion. Look into communication courses, so you can correspond more concisely with both candidates; leadership courses to help position you as one of your company’s future leaders; social media marketing courses to help you more creatively reach top candidates, and more.
  3. Clean out your desk and inbox. Dedicate a half-day to ditching the clutter that surrounds you daily. A messy workplace can cause burnout, and cleaning out your desk, inbox, and even your home can help you to feel less stressed. Plus, you’ll want to be close to inbox zero when the busy fall recruiting season rolls around.
  4. Do a “networking” challenge. Summer can be a slower time for many businesses, so often people aren’t logging as long of hours as they do during the rest of the year. Take advantage of this and ask those in your network to coffee or happy hour meetings, and make it a goal to schedule one per week. This is a good way to build your candidate pipeline, while also giving you something to look forward to every single week.
  5. Take a staycation. For many, summer is the best time to take a vacation. If you’re not looking to plan an out-of-town trip, use some of your saved up vacation days on a staycation. Be a tourist in your own city and and take time to appreciate the unique features that visitors do — or simply use this time to enjoy a few summer days in your own backyard. Use these experiences as resources for candidates who come in town; everyone wants to know good places to eat.

Are you experiencing summer burnout? Learn how recruiting software can help you have your most effective fall recruiting season yet!

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